Today, tourism and travel is the world largest growing industry and has no signs of slowing down in the many years to come. This industry is helping developing countries meet the needs of foreign currencies. Jobs created by the tourism and travel industry are growing one-and-half faster than any sector. The travel and tourism industry is also labor intensive and it employs around 200 million worldwide.

However, tourism money seems to 'leaks' - it means that it tends to benefit the large number of owners of tourist facilities or provide the food and materials imported for the resort. These are usually located outside the destination country so the bulk of the money - more than half, according to the World Bank - doesn't make its way into local economies and residents.

In fact, in some cases people are even worse off because of tourism development. It's good if they have a job, but those who don't often find food and lodging prices skyrocket. People are also relocated to make way for new tourism developments so they may lose their ancestral homes, often for little or no compensation. Protected areas are destroyed, decimating communities' natural heritage and undermining potential for ecotourism.

Thus, how can travel and tourism developments better contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of local people? In response to this question, in recent years, lots of scholars and researchers have been recommending a new type of travel and tourism – travel and tourism for the poor worldwide.

Responsible tourism is a type of tourism that is aimed at improving the local economy for local people. It enhances the linkages between tourism businesses and poor people in such a way that poverty is reduced and poor people are able to participate more effectively in tourism development. The aims of responsible ranges from increasing local employment to involving local people in the decision making process.

Why responsible travel?

The ultimate goal of responsible travel is about the distribution of tourism and travel benefits in favor of the host communities. Responsible travel is not a specific product. It is not similar to responsible travel or community-based travel, either.
The host communities are often culturally rich and have developed a series of livelihood strategies adapted to their environment. This cultural and natural heritage is a travel asset. Assisting them improve their living standard is also an effective way to maintain their natural environment and cultural identities.
Responsible travel developments ensure that participation of the host communities in the marketplace and there from they can get themselves involved in travel operations such as providing travel products and services as well as other decision making processes.

What can we do?

It has always on the top agenda of Aurora Travel &DMC that not to overuse of local natural environment and cultural identities. We are committed to respecting indigenous cultures, protecting the common environment and ultimately contributing to enhance the living conditions of the locals, especially the poverty-stricken ones. It’s our obligations to ensure that our tours are:
- Of low negative impacts on local environment and culture.
- Of great significance to the improvement of local residents’ standard of living.
- As a large number of the company’s employees are locals and experienced in providing travel products and services, we ensure that travelers will experience meaningful visits with Aurora Travel as you do not get enjoyments and funs for yourselves only but contribute to the host communities as well.
- Guidelines to responsible travel
- Expansion of business opportunities for the host communities
- Expansion of employment opportunities for residents of the host communities

CSR Activities NEWS

VIETNAM 2018 - Fixing the Wooden Sampans for Poor Families in Ben Tre

Vietnam's Mekong Delta is a water world that moves to the rhythms of the mighty Mekong, where boats, houses and markets float upon the innumerable rivers, canals and streams that criss-cross the landscape like arteries.

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CAMBODIA 2018 - Sharing with Phum Thmey Primary School

Phum Thmey Primary School is one of four School in Phum Thmey Village. The school is facing many difficulties such as lack of sturdy material, and unfavorable condition that cost the students drop out from school.

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VIETNAM 2018 - Gifts for Hoa Binh Children Village and the Mental Hospital of Quang Nam Province

The first event in the Aurora’s CSR Program 2018 has successfully taken place on February 2nd, 2018. Together with the officers of the Department of Economic Security (Da Nang) and the Television Channel of People’s Police (ANTV), Aurora’s Da Nang Office has had a memorable trip to the Hoa Binh Children Village and the Mental Hospital of Quang Nam Province.

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VIETNAM 2018 - A Warm Tet Holiday for Homeless people in Hanoi

In Hanoi, the capital and the second most developed city, there are many people who are living in poor and unfavorable conditions. As part of Aurora’s CSR Program, the staff Spanish team organized a charity activity to support them to have a better Tet. Spanish team shared their thoughts for homeless people who are living on Hanoi streets.

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VIETNAM 2018 - Sharing time with students of Mong Son Secondary School, Yen Bai Province.

Aurora Operation Team supported the students of Mong Son school to renovate the school library, building new book shelves, painting the old ones as well as presented text books, story books, computers, and etc

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VIETNAM 2015 - For a Better Living

Aurora Travel has once again accompanied the Warm Winter Charity Fund with the goal of building 3 warm bathrooms with a water system from a hanging lake. The project was successful on schedule and brought the students here with better living conditions.

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